CoPaG/DFLBF Databases for the Novosibirsk Region

In 2012 the computation of the transformation parameters between the new International Terrestrial Reference Frame ITRF2005 and the state system of geodetic coordinates 1995 (SK-95) for the territory of the Novosibirsk region was done as a project of SSGA in cooperation with the German authors of the article below.

The software CoPaG was used for the computation of the transformation databases. The whole area was divided into continuous patches, as shown in figure 1. Figure 2 shows the accuracy surface, which could be achieved for the computed transformation parameters in the area.

Reiner Jäger, Simone Kälber, Lagutina Elena and Tatyana Gorokhova (2012): Determination of transformation parameters between international and state coordinate systems on the territory of the Novosibirsk region (ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ПЕРЕХОДА ОТ ОБЩЕЗЕМНОЙ К ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ СИСТЕМЕ КООРДИНАТ НА ТЕРРИТОРИЮ НОВОСИБИРСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ).
Paper presented by Tatyana Gorokhova at the Interexpo Geosiberia 2012, Novosibirsk, Russia, 17.04.2012 - 19.04.2012.

Figure 1: Meshing and identical points of the CoPaG DB Novosibirsk. Click to enlarge image.

Figure 2: Accuracy surface of the CoPaG DB Novosibirsk. Click to enlarge image.