CoPaG/DFLBF Databases for Hungary

The CoPaG and DFLBF databases for Hungary were computed in a cooperation with Hungary under the head of Ambrus Kenyeres (FOMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory, Penc) in the frame of the masterthesis in Geomatics (MSc) of Robert Gyenes at University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Germany.

The figure 1 shows the situation of the meshing design together with the residuals of the database computation. About 1200 points given in the EOV and the ETRS89 datum respectively were used for the computation with 241 meshes. A number of 2% of the identical points was identified as outliers by 2D datasnooping and removed from the final computation. Afterwards the mean coordinate residual is 3 cm.

Figure 1: Meshing, identical points and residuals of the CoPaG DB Hungary. Click to enlarge image.

The figure 2 shows the accuracy surface for the transformation which is to be achieved by using the DFLBF/CoPaG database parameters. The mean accuracy is about 1-2 cm. The transformation result an its accuracy can additionally be improved by making use of residual interpolation with the CoPaG/DFLBF access software.

Figure 2: Meshing, identical points and accuracy surface of the CoPaG DB Hungary. Click to enlarge image.